Kingdom Technology Consulting (HK) Limited
Kingdom Technology Consulting (HK) Limited
business software solution provider since 1994
  • Digital Transformation now!

    → Helping SMEs to shift operation from traditional mode to hybrid mode (Offline-and-Online) in response to COVID-19 challenge!​
    → Equipping SMEs to confront with Cybersecurity threats to avoid privacy and data leakage in the era of cloud computing!

S.T.O.P. (Stop » » Think » » Observe » » Plan)

Challenges in 21st century

The year 2024 was a challenging year for all organizations, especially in cybersecurity and O2O (Offline-To-Online) working mode. As most businesses are picking up after an economic downturn under pandemic, company owners or organization chiefs realize the continued importance of data and systems protection, and executives are inevitably aware of the role it will play in the future. In PWC’s Global Digital Trust Insights 2021 Survey of over 3,000 business and technology executives, it is clear that business leaders are working closer than ever with IT teams to strengthen information security management in organizations, in order to not only detect threats but recover from attacks and ensure business continuity. The survey reports that:

  • 55% of companies are increasing their cybersecurity budgets.
  • 51% of companies are growing their headcount.
  • 50% of companies say cybersecurity and privacy will be baked into every business decision.
  • 72% of companies say they can strengthen their cybersecurity posture while at the same time containing costs.

We are also undergoing a comprehensive review and upgrade of our internal operation and will then share our down-to-earth first-hand experience with clients, eventually upgrade/provide software solutions with professional services to help SMEs taking a digital transformation into practices, to work better and easier, from anywhere and anytime, and most importantly in a more secure way.

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ISO-27001 Training & ​Certification

Having "Information Security Management System" (ISMS) in place is the prerequisite of digital transformation, you could then build up a secure working environment to allow employees accessing company data either at office or from home. Otherwise, you are jeopardizing your confidential data to hackers and might paralyze your business into halt.

Upgrade Business Software, one-by-one...

Digital transformation is a process rather than a revamp of all your business software systems by a big-bang approach, in avoidance of unexpected issues to hinder key operations of all departments. So you should upgrade or replace your outdated business software systems one by one to achieve a smooth and safe transformation. 

Leveraging from Government Subsidy

SMBs might not have the budget or financial strength for a comprehensive digital transformation which is a must to survive through all possible challenges in future, as there might be other pandemic, political conflicts, e.g. economical wars, trade wars, civil wars,... So we are here to help you leveraging from all kinds of government funds for such unexpected expenditures. 







Software Modules